taylor goodwin aka kat


tell us about background as a stylist?

Anything that involves being creative, I am IN! Growing up, I’d paint, draw, constantly re-organize my room, make crafts out of things I found around the house/outside, etc. I always had this crazy artistic side within me, and as I got older, it was difficult to narrow down my options that would best suite my talents. I wanted to really exemplify and show others what I am capable of. I chose to go to Cosmetology school. Without realizing it at first, I remembered how a lot of my friends would ask me to style and color their hair. I will be honest, it actually wasn't my first choice. I wanted to get ahead of others around me, and not take the traditional college route. So finishing and getting licensed in 10 months was more ideal at the time then going to a community college for 2+ years. What I didn't know, is that I’d completely fall in love with the hair world and figured out I was pretty good at it. The skills i developed came so naturally and effortlessly. I went to a Sassoon based Cosmetology school, and became licensed at 18. Decided to join the assistant program at Carlton Hair to further my education. To me, It was important to learn hands on and up close from multiple stylists that have been in the industry for years. Another 10 months goes by, and at 19, I was taking clients on my own. Although I hustled to build a clientele, I love taking new clients.My favorite part about being a hairstylist, is that I have the ability to make people confident. In a world where humans so easily criticize themselves, it is my job to bring out the beauty in every client that sits in my chair.

what drives you?

My purpose/ Making a positive impact with everyone I cross paths with.

what makes you smile?

Buying loved ones gifts! Fun fact…I spend more on others than I do myself.

favorite movie?

National Treasure

favorite food?


hidden talent?

I am really good at hand drawn portraits

at 5 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Out of the countless options a 5 year old would usually say (singer/actress,etc.) I always wanted to be an archaeologist for some reason? I’ve always been obsessed with history, so it makes sense 

dinner with anyone? who would it be?

Leonardo DA Vinci. What a conversation that would be! Constantly wonder the backstory behind one of the, if not most famous paintings of all time; Mona Lisa.

favorite saying/quote?

What you give power to, has power over you.

what do you like to do on a rainy day?

I love going to hole in the wall coffee shops to draw. Or staying inside bundled up watching a movie.

if you could have a super hero power what would it be?

Probably the ability to read minds. Phew, my job would be a little easier!

what animal would you be?

A cat…hehe!

what brought you to the house salon?

I called Carlton Hair home for many years, but they randomly closed down within a days notice. I didn't have anywhere to go, but an old mentor reached out to me and encouraged me to tour the salon she currently was working at. I toured The House Salon a couple days after the Carlton Hair Mission Viejo location closed down. Right as I walked in, I felt at home and all the other stylists were so welcoming. The abundance of creativity in this salon was inspiring. I knew I could learn a lot here and was excited for the next chapter in my hair career. It didn't take more than a couple hours for me to decide that this the perfect place and the right move not just for me, but for my clients as well.