natalie batton


tell us about your background as a stylist

I have been licensed for 10 years, just thought about that the other day.

what drives you?

My passion for being creative .. To stay creative. There’s constant inspiration and creativity always running through me.

what makes you smile?

Getting a good morning text. Having strangers smile and compliment me out in public. Cute animals I see while driving or in person. Seeing others recreate my work and tagging me.

favorite rock star?

Probably Freddie Mercury - I just love his music.

favorite movie?

Point Break ( named my cats after Johnny utah and bodhi )

favorite food?

Pizza or Mexican food

hidden talent?

My empathy for others is a super power I’ve struggled to understand my whole life. I’m just a very sensitive person and I care deeply about others

favorite place to eat?


at 5 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be an architect

cocktail of choice?

a good Margarita or a beer

dinner with anyone? who would it be?

Freddie Mercury

what do you do on sunday?

If you don’t find me at the salon - you’ll find me at a Flea Market or thrifting. Or having dinner with my mom and sister

what do you like to do on a rainy day?

I love having the window open, snuggled up with my cat binge watching a tv series or movies

if you could have a super hero power what would it be?

I’d want to fly - never been able to travel as much as I’d like and this would be so fun to just go wherever I wanted

what do you like to do for playtime?

Creating wigs and use them for photoshoot and showcasing my work in new ways

what animal would you be?

a cat - they have the life to just sleep all day

would you take the truth or the dare?

I’m a dare kinda girl lol

what brought you to the house?

After spending 8 years of my career at my old salon. Will always be something special but to be able to come to a new salon and still have a sense of a family is what draws me everyday to show up for my coworkers and be a part of the team. We’re a very strong team and I’m just grateful to be part of it.